An alternative method is to compute the principal components of 22#22, the covariance of 21#21.
In practice, the dimensionality may even be smaller than m - some of the diagonal values of 29#29 may be zero, or small enough to be affected by limited machine precision. In this case, the corresponding eigenvectors are removed.
We normalise the input vectors to have unit magnitude in order to counter the effects of lighting variation.
While this constraint can be readily relaxed, we will later demonstrate a method for estimating orientation under the conditions that the database orientation is fixed.
Note that this does not guarantee that the landmark images will be unique, since the environment may contain self-similarities.
The scale of this ellipse can be controlled by a user-defined threshold.
All of our experiments employ the Canny edge map without thresholding, since we are primarily interested in edge density. For this reason, the edge map will contain a large amount of highly unstable, low intensity noise.

Robert Sim
Tue Jul 21 10:30:54 EDT 1998