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Robust Estimate Combination

In the previous section we demonstrated how a tracked landmark can be used to obtain a position estimate given a recent observation of the landmark. Typically one might expect to detect several landmarks in a single image, and hence it is desirable to combine the individual estimates obtained from each landmark in a way that achieves a more robust position estimate. This section will explore the problem of robust position estimation from a set of estimates.

As we noted briefly in Chapter 2, Self, Smith and Cheeseman have demonstrated the utility of the Kalman Filter in combining position estimates [52, 53]. In that work, position estimates are represented as Approximate Transforms (ATs) between related coordinate frames, and described numerically by an estimated mean tex2html_wrap_inline4654, and an associated covariance matrix, tex2html_wrap_inline4656,

Figure 5.5: Merged ATs. AT tex2html_wrap_inline4658 is the merged combination of AT tex2html_wrap_inline4660 and AT tex2html_wrap_inline4662.

Of the operations that are defined on ATs, the merging operation is of principal interest to us. Merging takes two ATs and produces a new AT whose mean, tex2html_wrap_inline4654, is a weighted linear combination of the input means, and whose covariance tex2html_wrap_inline4656 expresses an improved confidence in the new estimate. The merging operation is expressed algebraically as
where each tex2html_wrap_inline4668 is an approximate transform. The operation can be depicted graphically, as shown in Figure 5.5, wherein each vector represents a mean estimate, with an associated covariance represented as an ellipse. The merging operation is accomplished by first computing the Kalman gain factor, tex2html_wrap_inline4670, defined by

which is then used to compute the required merged covariance matrix
and the merged mean estimate

The effectiveness of the merging operation is dependent on two important assumptions. First, the errors in the ATs are assumed to be independent, with zero mean and expressed in the same coordinate system. Second, the error distributions of the ATs are assumed to be normal, which preserves linearity under the merging operation.

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Robert Sim
Tue Jul 21 10:30:54 EDT 1998